Home Amharic Google Added Amharic and 12 New Languages To Its Translate Tool

Google Added Amharic and 12 New Languages To Its Translate Tool

by Ethiopian Software

amharic google translate

Google announces adding 13 new languages including Ethiopia’s Amharic the second most widely spoken Semitic language after Arabic, Xhosa of South Africa to its live translating tool.

By adding these languages Google now supporting 103 languages and that mean around 120 million new people and 99% of the online population will be able to benefit from the app, which allows users to let their phone listen to someone talk and get a written translation of what they are saying, in real-time, on the screen.

By using the mobile App users can speak and Google translate in the real time. This will be very helpful for visitors and business people coming to Ethiopia to communicate easily with locals.

EthiopianSoftware use Google translate tool on this website. You can test here by changing to desires language.



Google said beyond the basic criteria that it must be a written language, we also need a significant amount of translations in the new language to be available on the web. From there, we use a combination of machine learning, licensed content and Translate Community. As we scan the Web for billions of already translated texts, we use machine learning to identify statistical patterns at enormous scale, so our machines can “learn” the language. But, as already existing documents can’t cover the breadth of a language, we also rely on people like you in Translate Community to help improve current Google Translate languages and add new ones, like Frisian and Kyrgyz. So far, over 3 million people have contributed approximately 200 million translated words.

Google invited everybody to involve in the Translate Community. After joining the team you can just select the languages you speak; then choose to either translate phrases on your own or validate existing translations. Every contribution helps improve the quality of translation over time.

Get the Translate App for your Mobile

Google Translate on the App Store – iTunes – Apple

Google Translate – Android Apps on Google Play

The 13 languages added to Translate are Amharic (Ethiopia), Corsican (Island of Corsica, France), Frisian (Netherlands and Germany), Kyrgyz (Kyrgyzstan), Hawaiian (Hawaii), Kurdish (Turkey, Iraq, Iran and Syria), Luxembourgish (Luxembourg), Samoan (Samoa and American Samoa), Scots Gaelic (Scottish highlands, UK), Shona (Zimbabwe), Sindhi (Pakistan and India), Pashto (Afghanistan and Pakistan) and Xhosa (South Africa).


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