Home Tech Talk ሮቦቲክስ በግብርና – ማክሰኞን በቴክ | Tech Tuesday – Robotics in Agriculture

ሮቦቲክስ በግብርና – ማክሰኞን በቴክ | Tech Tuesday – Robotics in Agriculture

by EthiopianSoftware

ሮቦቲክስ በግብርና – ማክሰኞን በቴክ | Tech Tuesday – Robotics in Agriculture

ለዛሬ በ3-በ-3 (ሶስት ነገሮች በሶስት ደቂቃ) – Agras MG 1 ስለሚባል የጸረ አረም መርጫ ድሮን፣ ስለ ቨርቲካል ፋርሚንግ እና የበሰሉ ፍራፍሬዎችን ስለሚሰበስበው ሮቦት ይዘንላችሁ መጥተናል፡፡ ቀንዎን በቴክ መረጃ ይጀምሩ፡፡ መልካም ማክሰኞ!
Start your day with a 3 minutes tech info. We’ve brought you about the liquid pesticide sprayer drone called Agras MG 1, the vertical farming technology and the fruit harvester robot. Happy Tuesday!

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