Home Amharic The Beast | Marine One – የአሜሪካኑ መሪ የሚጠቀምባቸው ልዩ መኪናና ሄሊኮፕተር – [Part 1] TechTalk With Solomon

The Beast | Marine One – የአሜሪካኑ መሪ የሚጠቀምባቸው ልዩ መኪናና ሄሊኮፕተር – [Part 1] TechTalk With Solomon

by Ethiopian Software

Watch The Beast | Marine One – የአሜሪካኑ መሪ የሚጠቀምባቸው ልዩ መኪናና ሄሊኮፕተር – TechTalk With Solomon S12 Ep.8 [Part 1]

In the past, I presented about Air Force One US presidential plane. Now, I would like to present to you about The Beast or Cadillac One and Marine One, a special US presidential car and helicopter. I will present these topics to you in two episodes and here is part 1!
Watch Ethiopian tech show TechTalk With Solomon. Share and comment this video.

ከዚህ በፊት ስለ Air Force One ልዩ የፕሬዚደንሺያል አውሮፕላን አስቃኝቼ ነበር። አሁን ደግሞ The Beast ወይንም Cadillac One እና Marine One ስለተሰኙ የአሜሪካን መሪ ልዩ የመጓጓዣ መኪናና ሄሊኮፕተር በሁለት ክፍል አድርጌ አቀርብላችኋለሁ! ክፍል አንድ እነሆ!


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